

Pandora P. Psyllaki

Professor, Head of the TRIBLAB

Dr Mining and Metallurgical Engineer, N.T.U.A.

Google Scholar: Pandora Psyllaki


Office: C018 

Tel.: (+30) 210 5381292


Dr.Psyllaki graduated from the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering of N.T.U.A. (1992) and received her PhD degree (1999) from the same University. She has worked for several years at Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures and Ecole des Mines (Paris, France) and as a Marie-Curie postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire des Recherches sur la Reactivité des Solides (Dijon, France). She was for four years Head of the Laboratory of accredited Mechanical Testing, as well as of the Research Programmes Division of MIRTEC S.A. Since 2010 she is a member of the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of UNI.W.A. (former T.E.I. of Piraeus). She participated in the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Metallurgical Society (FEMS member), as an elected member for two consecutive three-year terms (2017-2022). Since 2022, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Engineering Failure Analysis (Elsevier).

Her research interests include: surface modification technologies for engineering applications, response of materials subjected to surface mechanical and/or chemical loading, and failure analysis of materials and components.


Athanasios Mourlas

Postdoctoral fellowship

Dr Mechanical Engineer


Office: C018


Tel.: (+30) 210 5381292



Dimitra Giasafaki

Adjunct Teaching and Research Lecturer

Dr. Material Science Engineer


Office: C018


Tel.: (+30) 210 5381292


Dr. Dimitra Giasafaki is a Materials Science Engineer (2005), with an MSc in Materials Chemistry & Technology (2008) and a PhD in Materials Science Engineering (2013). She has worked at the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, from 2009 to 2022, as a PhD student and as a Post-doctoral Researcher, while currently she works in the R&D department of MIRTEC S.A. as a Scientific Associate, where she deals with thermal spray coatings. Since 2019, she also works as Adjunct Teaching/Research fellow in two Departments of the School of Engineers, at the University of West Attica. Her research interests focus mainly on the development of advanced materials for energy, environmental, biomedical and industrial applications. To date, she has worked in 15 funded (EU & National) research projects, co-authored 21 peer reviewed publications (h-index: 11, Scopus 21/08/23), and participated in several international and national conferences (over 35 presentations, with 2 distinctions).


Sotirios Georgiopoulos

Adjunct Teaching and Research Lecturer

Mechanical Engineer, N.T.U.A.


Office: C018


Tel.: (+30) 210 5381292



Loukas Loukidés

Adjunct Teaching and Research Lecturer

Mechanical Engineer


Office: C018


Tel.: (+30) 210 5381292


Mr. Loukas I. Loukidis graduated from the faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Budapest, educated in English language, from where he was awarded the degrees of Bachelor of Science êáé Master of Science of Mechanical Engineering, with the specialization of Production Engineering. Further, he received the Master's Degree in Technical Project Management from the School of Science and Technology of the Hellenic Open University. During his 30-year professional career, he is the owner and manager of a 100-year old machine shop enterprise, dealing with design and construction of heavy industry equipment engineering. Since 2001, he serves as part-time teaching/research personnel at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of West Attica (former: TEI of Piraeus).

The research interests of Mr. Loukidis are focused on Manufacturing Processes of metallic materials and Material Removal Processes.

    250 Thivon and P. Ralli, 122 44 Egaleo, Greece, Tel.: (+30) 210 5381292, E-mail: